Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Dongeng frogs and jewels

frogs and jewels
At one time, there was a woman who had been widowed and has two daughters. The oldest daughter has a face and a temperament that is very similar to his mother so that people often say that anyone who saw the eldest daughter, the same as seeing her mother. They both have the same bad temper, extremely arrogant and never respect others.The youngest daughter, is a picture of his dead father, had the same good-hearted nature, love to help people and very polite. Many consider that the youngest daughter is the most beautiful woman they had ever seen.Because of the tendency of people to like the same things with them, his mother became very dear to the eldest daughter, while the youngest daughter badly treated, the youngest daughter often summoned to work relentlessly and should not be with them eat at the table. He was only allowed to eat in the kitchen alone.The youngest daughter often forced twice a day to fetch water from wells located far away from their homes. One day when the youngest daughter was in the spring, there came an old lady who looks very poor, who asked him to fetch him water to drink."Oh! Yes, with pleasure," said this beautiful girl who immediately took kendinya, taking water from where it is most clear in the spring, and gives it to the woman, while helping hold kendinya that the old woman can drink easily , After drinking, the woman said to the youngest:"You're very pretty, very kind and very polite, I can not give you a gift." It turned out that the old lady is a fairy disguised as an old woman who is poor to see how far kindness and courtesy youngest daughter. "I'll give you a gift," continued the Fairy, "From now on, every word you say, from your mouth will be out of a flower or a precious stone."When the beautiful youngest daughter's return home, where his mother scolded him because it considers it too long youngest daughter returned from fetching water."I'm sorry, Mom," said the youngest daughter, "because I was late coming home."When you say the word, from his mouth came out two flowers, two pearls, and two gems."What do I see it?" his mother said with surprise, "I see pearls and diamonds come out of your mouth! How could this happen, my son?"For the first time his mother called him 'my son'.The youngest daughter then told all the events experienced frankly, and from his mouth also successively belonged countless gems."It's amazing," said her mother, "I had to send my son the other one there." He then called the oldest daughter and said "Come and see what comes out of the mouth of your sister when she spoke. Do you not want to have it owned sister? You should immediately go to the spring, and when you see the old woman who asked you to fetch drinking water, ambilkanlah him with a very polite way. ""The youngest brother must have been very happy to see me take the water from the spring that far," he said with a frown."You have to go, now!" said her mother again.Finally, the oldest daughter also departed, grumbling on the way, while bringing the best jug made of silver.Not long after he arrived in the spring, and then she saw a woman dressed very fancy out of the woods, approached him, and asked him to fetch drinking water. This woman is actually a fairy who met with her sister, but this time the fairy disguised as a princess."Did I come here," said the oldest daughter with a very arrogant, "just to give you water? And do you think I brought a silver jug ​​is for you? If you really want to drink, you should drink it if you felt it deserved.""You're outrageous and apply not polite," replied the fairy, "Well, from now on, because you are very rude and arrogant, I'll give you a gift, every word you say, from you will come out a snake or a toad. "When he came home, her mother see her happily greeted him and asked:"What, my son?""How my ass, ma?" The oldest daughter replied with a disrespectful way, and from his mouth came forth two she vipers and two frogs."Oh! God," said his mother; "What I see this? Oh! Surely your sister who deliberately planned this incident, but he will get punishment"; and he immediately ran over and hit her youngest daughter. The youngest daughter then ran away from him and hid in the woods not far from his home to avoid getting hit again.A child king, who had just returned from hunting in the forest, by chance met the youngest daughter who was crying. The son of King marveled at the beauty of the youngest daughter then asked why the daughter alone in the forest and sobbed."My lord, my mother drove me from home."At that time, the child king saw five or six pearls and gems out of the mouth of the youngest, he became curious and asked to tell why the youngest daughter from his mouth came out a gem when he says something. The youngest daughter then tells the whole story, and the King's son became increasingly amazed by the kindness and courtesy speech youngest daughter. Son of the King became the youngest daughter fell in love and thought that the youngest daughter is very fit to be his wife. Child king eventually applied and married the youngest daughter.While the eldest daughter, made himself so hated by his own mother because of his behavior was very bad and expelled out of the house. The oldest daughter ended up being displaced because they do not have a home anymore, she then went into the woods and from then, people never hear about it again.

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