Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Dongeng si Kancil Mencuri Timun

 Fairy Tales Kancil Stealing Cucumbers?The deer is an animal who is very clever, he is very clever and likes to help other animals. Starting from crows, rats, snails, buffalo, and other animals. But with fame and the goodness of his heart, many also feel envious and secretly resents the deer. One of them is the monkey. Monkey known as a most intelligent animals before the deer. Monkey animal also known as a canny enough so that he could escape from many dangers, including of the trap farmers who tried to arrest him when the monkey stole cucumber farm belonging to the pack. And ahirnya because of the nature jealous, monkey wanted to test the deer. Is he able to escape the various dangers such as the monkey so it's worth nicknamed the smartest animals in the forest?
Eventually, one day, the monkey Dating meet the deer. He said that he had a very spacious garden of cucumbers, and hoping the deer would help memakanya because she was not strong menghabiskanya own. Heard a good offer from a monkey, the deer would be very happy without having the slightest suspicion. Eventually, they went into the garden cucumber pack farmer who recognized the monkey as her garden. Monkeys are very confident this time he will make the deer can not escape from the trap, while he could certainly qualify as already many times she was able to escape with ease thanks to kegesitanya. Arriving in the garden, they both eat the cucumber as much. The deer that knows it's garden monkey, eating cucumber While the pack when viewed cucumber farmer hers is increasingly reduced, making the pack farmer suspicious and tried to find why. He accidentally saw traces deer in plantation area. "This means that during the deer steal cucumber belongs to me. Well .. I'm gonna make the trap so that tomorrow it could be my deer caught ". Pak think the farmer would have thought that the deer stealing his cucumber. On the next day, as usual monkey and deer back to the garden to eat the cucumbers. And like the previous days of the deer also eat greedily. While the monkey today also ate heartily. Because he thinks this time there are no traps or pack farmer who tried to arrest them, then pack the farmer may not realize what they are doing. Without them knowing it, the gestures they noticed a pack of peasants out of the bushes.
"Oooo .. turns out the deer and monkeys stubborn again .. Just yesterday monkey, now bring a friend. See it, just one of the two animals will I catch '. According to Mr farm in the heart. After some time, deer and monkeys ahirnya glut. And they began to feel very sleepy and decided to take a nap. But only some of the time they closed, they suddenly shaken by the noise of a pack of peasants who were pursuing them while banging the gong making them shocked and ran helter-skelter. The deer also speedily run through every thicket to find their way into the forest. While the monkey tried to climb trees and jump from one tree to the other tree. Karean but he satiation, become less agile and unable to move more swiftly than usual. With easy to pack farmer took aim with an arrow already in season with sleeping potions. So when the monkey, the monkeys immediately fell to the ground and knocked unconscious. And ahirnya, monkeys that envy is arrested and brought to the home by a pack of peasants. After the incident, no longer heard how is the monkey and also never again appeared in the forest. Thus, every evil deed will surely reap the rewards that bad anyway later in the day as the monkey. with as much gusto and already he ate. Once full, they go home. Once they do every day.

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